Creating a Copy to Clipboard Button with Bootstrap

The other day, I was trying to implement a UI widget consisting of a text box containing some text and a button that would automatically copy the contents of the text box into the clipboard, not unlike the ones on GitHub repository pages or, similarly, the code listings on the Bootstrap documentation.

In particular, I wanted the behavior of the button to be the same:

  1. When hovering over the button, display a tooltip with the message “Copy to Clipboard”
  2. When the button is clicked and the text is copied,, the message on the tooltip changes to “Copied!”

Creating the textbox itself is easy: simply create a Bootstrap input group consisteing of a text input and a button addon with a tooltip:

  <div class="input-group">
    <input type="text" class="form-control"
        value="/path/to/foo/bar" placeholder="Some path" id="copy-input">
    <span class="input-group-btn">
      <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" id="copy-button"
          data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="button"
          title="Copy to Clipboard">

The more involved part is the Javascript that wires everything together. Specifically, we want to do the following:

  • When we hover over the copy button, display the tooltip with the original “Copy to Clipboard” message.
  • When we click the copy button, copy the contents of the text input into the clipboard.
  • Once the contents of the text input are copied, change the tooltip message to “Copied!”
  • If we mouse over the button again, the tooltip again displays the original “Copy to Clipboard” message.

First, we need to initialize the tooltip according to Bootstrap’s documentation:


That was easy. Next, we need to add a handler for the Copy button that would copy the contents of the text box into the clipboard. One way we can do this without using a third-party library is to first use the Selection API to select the text inside the text box and then execute the copy command using Document.execCommand() to copy it to the clipboard. For a detailed explanation, see this documentation.

$('#copy-button').bind('click', function() {
  var input = document.querySelector('#copy-input');
  input.setSelectionRange(0, input.value.length + 1);
  try {
    var success = document.execCommand('copy');
    if (success) {
      // Change tooltip message to "Copied!"
    } else {
      // Handle error. Perhaps change tooltip message to tell user to use Ctrl-c
      // instead.
  } catch (err) {
    // Handle error. Perhaps change tooltip message to tell user to use Ctrl-c
    // instead.

Once the text is copied, we also want to update the tooltip message. To do this, we can trigger a custom copied event to update the tooltip. Let’s we add a handler to #copy-button to handle a custom event, copied, that contains the message to display on the tooltip.

$('#copy-button').bind('copied', function(event, message) {
  $(this).attr('title', message)
      .attr('title', "Copy to Clipboard")

Finally, we update the click handler for #copy-button to trigger copied events to update the tooltip message. Putting everything together, we have the following:

$(document).ready(function() {
  // Initialize the tooltip.

  // When the copy button is clicked, select the value of the text box, attempt
  // to execute the copy command, and trigger event to update tooltip message
  // to indicate whether the text was successfully copied.
  $('#copy-button').bind('click', function() {
    var input = document.querySelector('#copy-input');
    input.setSelectionRange(0, input.value.length + 1);
    try {
      var success = document.execCommand('copy');
      if (success) {
        $('#copy-button').trigger('copied', ['Copied!']);
      } else {
        $('#copy-button').trigger('copied', ['Copy with Ctrl-c']);
    } catch (err) {
      $('#copy-button').trigger('copied', ['Copy with Ctrl-c']);

  // Handler for updating the tooltip message.
  $('#copy-button').bind('copied', function(event, message) {
    $(this).attr('title', message)
        .attr('title', "Copy to Clipboard")

Here is a live demo of this copy-to-clipboard widget in action:

The main downside of this approach is that the copy command is not supported in Safari. One way to mitigate this is to use queryCommandSupported and queryCommandEnabled to check whether the command is supported and fall back gracefully display a “Copy with Ctrl-c” message on the tooltip instead. In essence, this how the Clipboard.js library works, except wrapped up in a much more polished API.

Unfortunately, until the new HTML 5 Cipboard API is finalized and adopted by all major browsers, the only cross-browser way to reliably copy to clipboard is using Flash. This is the approach taken by libraries such as ZeroClipboard, which is, in fact, the library used by GitHub as well as the Bootstrap documentation. Hopefully, once the HTML 5 Clipboard API is available, adding such a simple feature will become much less of a hassle.